Class DeputyRootSession

The DeputyRootSession. Instantiated only when: (a) the page is a CCI case page, and (b) a session is currently active


  • DeputyRootSession



casePage: DeputyCasePage

The case page that this root session is handling.

parser: any

A DiscussionTools Parser. Used for parsing comments in a streamlined way (using DiscussionTools) as compared to relying on an in-house parser.

An array of active section UI elements. Populated in initSessionInterface.

The current active session, if one exists.

sessionRequestResponder: any = ...

Responder for session requests.

sessionStopResponder: any = ...


  • Closes all active session-related UI components. Done prior to closing a section or reloading the interface.

    Returns void

  • Continue a session from a DeputyCasePage.


    • casePage: DeputyCasePage

      The case page to continue with

    • Optional sectionIds: string[]

      The section IDs to load on startup. If not provided, this will be taken from the cache. If provided, this overrides the cache, discarding any sections cached previously.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Shows the interface for continuing a previous session. This includes the [continue CCI session] notice at the top of each CCI page section heading and a single message box showing when the page was last worked on top of the first CCI heading found.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Initialize interface components for starting a session. This includes the [start CCI session] notice at the top of each CCI page section heading.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Shows the interface for overwriting an existing session. The provided action button will close the other section. This does not start a new session; the user must start the session on this page on their own.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Shows the interface for an attempted Deputy execution on a different tab than expected. This prevents Deputy from running entirely to avoid loss of progress and desynchronization.


    • Optional _casePage: DeputyCasePage

      The current case page (not the active one)

    Returns Promise<void>

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