Creates a DeputyContributionSurveySection from a given heading.
Revision ID of the actively-used wikitext. Used for detecting edit conflicts.
A collection of strings or DeputyContributionSurveyRows. Used to build the section wikitext in a manner that preserves all non-CSR lines.
if this section is (or will be) closed
Sets the close state of this section
The closing comments for this section
Sets the comments of a section.
The edit summary for this section's changes.
the n
of the section heading, if applicable.
the name of the section heading.
if this section has been modified
The wikitext for this section.
Get the ContributionSurveySection for this section
wikitext: string & { Internal use only. Used to skip section loading using existing wikitext.
The ContributionSurveySection for this section
Renders the element. This must return an HTMLElement that can be appended directly to the DOM.
The contribution survey section UI element. This includes a list of revisions (which are DeputyContributionSurveyRow objects), a "close section" checkbox, a "comments" input box (for additional comments when closing the section), a "cancel" button and a "save" button.