Class DeputyContributionSurveySection

The contribution survey section UI element. This includes a list of revisions (which are DeputyContributionSurveyRow objects), a "close section" checkbox, a "comments" input box (for additional comments when closing the section), a "cancel" button and a "save" button.




casePage: DeputyCasePage
closeButton: ButtonWidget
closingCheckbox: CheckboxInputWidget
closingComments: TextInputWidget
closingCommentsSign: CheckboxInputWidget
container: HTMLElement
disabled: boolean
heading: WikiHeading
originalList: HTMLElement
revid: number

Revision ID of the actively-used wikitext. Used for detecting edit conflicts.

reviewButton: ButtonWidget
saveButton: ButtonWidget
sectionNodes: Node[]
wikitextLines: (string | DeputyContributionSurveyRow)[]

A collection of strings or DeputyContributionSurveyRows. Used to build the section wikitext in a manner that preserves all non-CSR lines.



  • Destroys the element from the DOM and re-inserts in its place the original list. This should return the section back to its original look. This does NOT remove the section from the session or cache. Use DeputySession.closeSection instead.

    Returns void

  • Toggles the closing comments input box and signature checkbox. This will disable the input box AND hide the element from view.


    • show: boolean

    Returns void

  • Toggle section elements. Removes the section elements (but preservers them in this.sectionElements) if false, re-appends them to the DOM if true.


    • toggle: boolean

    Returns void