Class DeputyPageSession

Controls everything related to a page that is the subject of an active Deputy row.


  • DeputyPageSession



sessionCloseHandler: any = ...

An active DeputyPageToolbar, if any is available.


  • Attempts to grab page details from a session. If a session does not exist, this will return null.


    • revision: number = ...

      The revision of the page to get information for. If the page is being viewed normally (not in a diff or permanent link), then this value should be set to null. This ensures that a generic toolbar is used instead of the revision-specific toolbar.

    • title: Title = window.deputy.currentPage

      The title of the page to get information for. Defaults to current.

    • timeout: number = 500

      Timeout for the page detail request.

    Returns Promise<DeputyPageStatusResponseMessage>

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