Class DeputyPageToolbar

The DeputyPageToolbar is appended to all pages (outside the mw-parser-output block) that are part of the currently-active case page. It includes the status dropdown, page name, basic case info, and analysis tools.

The toolbar automatically connects with an existing session through the use of inter-tab communication (facilitated by DeputyCommunications).


  • DeputyPageToolbar




element: HTMLElement
instanceId: string = ...
nextRevisionButton: ButtonWidget
previousRevisionButton: ButtonWidget
revision?: number

The revision ID that this toolbar is associated with.

revisionCheckbox: CheckboxInputWidget
revisionNavigationSection: HTMLElement
revisionStatusUpdateListener: any = ...
row: {
    casePage: DeputyCase;
    title: Title;
    type: "detailed" | "pageonly";

Type declaration

  • casePage: DeputyCase
  • title: Title
  • type: "detailed" | "pageonly"
statusDropdown: DeputyCCIStatusDropdown


  • Renders a OOUI PopupButtonWidget and a menu, which contains a given set of menu options.


    Returns Element[]

    The section HTML

  • Replaces renderRevisionInfo if a revision does not exist. Placeholder to allow tools to be used anyway, even without having an active revision associated.

    Returns Element

    The "Revision out of scope" section

  • Renders the next revision button. Used to navigate to the next unassessed revision for a row.

    Returns Element

    The OOUI ButtonWidget element.

  • Instantiates a DeputyCCIStatusDropdown and returns the HTML element for it.

    Returns Element

    The OOUI dropdown's HTMLElement

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