Class CopiedTemplateEditor

Main class for CopiedTemplateEditor.

Hierarchy (view full)



CopiedTemplate: typeof CopiedTemplate = CopiedTemplate
deputy?: Deputy

An instance of Deputy. This is commonly window.deputy. Instantiating this class with a Deputy instances enables connection with the Deputy core, which shares the OOUI window manager and API manager for Deputy.

dialog: any

The CopiedTemplateEditorDialog. The face of the operation.

loaded: boolean = true

Whether the core has been loaded or not. Set to true here, since this is obviously the core class.

loader?: boolean

The loader variable is set (in JavaScript) by a CTE loader. This prevents UI elements (such as "start" buttons and the toolbox link) from being appended to the DOM twice.

startButtons: any[] = []

Pencil icon buttons on {{copied}} templates that open CTE.

startState: boolean

Determines the start state of the start buttons. This depends on toggleButtons.

static: typeof CopiedTemplateEditor = CopiedTemplateEditor
dependencies: string[] = ...


  • get wikiConfig(): WikiConfiguration
  • Returns WikiConfiguration

    the wiki-wide configuration handler for this module. If Deputy is loaded, this reuses the configuration handler of Deputy. Since the wiki config is loaded asynchronously, this may not be populated at runtime. Only use it if you're sure that preInit has already been called and finished.

  • get windowManager(): WindowManager
  • Returns WindowManager

    The responsible window manager for this class.
