Class CopiedTemplate

Represents a single {{copied}} template in the Parsoid document.

Hierarchy (view full)




All the rows of this template.

collapsed: string

Whether or not this notice is collapsed (rows hidden if rows are two or more).

id: string

A unique ID for this template. Derived from the template name and its Parsoid about.

name: string

A unique name for this template. Derived from the Parsoid about for its node.

The template transclusion node that serves as a reference to an element on the Parsoid DOM.

small: string

Whether or not this notice is a right-floating box.



  • Copies in the rows of another CopiedTemplate, and optionally deletes that template or clears its contents.


    • template: CopiedTemplate

      The template to copy from.

    • options: {
          clear?: boolean;
          delete?: boolean;
      } = {}

      Options for this merge.

      • Optionalclear?: boolean

        Whether the reference template's rows will be cleared after merging.

      • Optionaldelete?: boolean

        Whether the reference template will be deleted after merging.

    Returns void