Interface VisibleDisplayOptions



description?: string

Overridden description. DO NOT USE unless there is good reason to.

By default, the description will be taken from internationalization strings. Its key follows the format "deputy.setting.user...description".

disabled?: string | boolean | ((config) => string | boolean)

Whether an option should be disabled or not.

Type declaration

    • (config): string | boolean
    • Parameters

      Returns string | boolean

extraOptions?: Record<string, any>

Extra options to pass to the UI element.

hidden?: false | ((config) => string | boolean)

Whether an option should be hidden or not. If an option is hidden, it will not show up in the settings interface at all.

Type declaration

    • (config): string | boolean
    • Parameters

      Returns string | boolean

name?: string

Overridden name. DO NOT USE unless there is good reason to.

By default, the name will be taken from internationalization strings. Its key follows the format "".

readOnly?: boolean

Whether the value is read-only or not.

type: "number" | "page" | "text" | "checkbox" | "select" | "radio" | "checkboxes" | "code" | "unimplemented"

The type of UI element to display.

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