Interface HiddenDisplayOptions

interface HiddenDisplayOptions {
    description?: string;
    disabled?: string | boolean | ((config: UserConfiguration) => string | boolean);
    hidden?: true;
    name?: string;
    readOnly?: boolean;
    type?: never;

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description?: string

Overridden description. DO NOT USE unless there is good reason to.

By default, the description will be taken from internationalization strings. Its key follows the format "deputy.setting.user...description".

disabled?: string | boolean | ((config: UserConfiguration) => string | boolean)

Whether an option should be disabled or not.


Whether an option should be hidden or not. If an option is hidden, it will not show up in the settings interface at all.

name?: string

Overridden name. DO NOT USE unless there is good reason to.

By default, the name will be taken from internationalization strings. Its key follows the format "".

readOnly?: boolean

Whether the value is read-only or not.

type?: never